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I’ve published a book and would love to get it into libraries and bookstores. What do I do?
For new or first-time authors, getting your book into a library can be a great move to boost recognition. But how do you do it? There are a few steps to consider.
Every author dreams of getting their book into a bookstore. However, many authors don’t think of libraries as a resource to extend their readership. By securing your work in a library, you’re making your work accessible to many people across a large demographic. If you are a local author and your book is about a relevant topic, it might get featured in the your library’s “Local Interest” section as well.
I often talk to authors who are interested in getting their book into the local library and don’t know where to begin. It’s not for nothing that this problem is so typical. Most authors believe their book will somehow find its way into a library. If a major publishing company publishes the book, this is not unreasonable. If the book is small press or self-published, this may be more difficult, if not almost impossible.
Often, authors miss the opportunity to get into libraries merely by lack of effort, and this is a huge mistake. Libraries loan billions of books each year and getting your book into their circulation is the win-win of visibility and profit. In addition, if you get…