Sprouted Wheat and Peter Reinhardt’s influence.
I am new to the “Sprouted Wheat Flour game” and authors like Peter Reinhardt are giving good instruction on this flour and letting novice bakers like me find out how to use it. A result of the advances in agricultural technology that have vastly improved farming techniques, giving us bigger harvests in a variety of different and exciting products. Sprouted flour is made from sprouted grains, including not just wheat, but einkorn, rye, and other types of grains that are becoming noticed around the globe. As its name implies, sprouted grain is a grain that’s been allowed to sprout and germinate as is done on the process of making “malt” for beer and other types of alcoholic beverages. Sprouting grains allows a portion of the starch in the grain to break down into simple sugars. These sugars create a sweeter baked good with a more distinct flavor. The dormant vitamins and minerals in grains are activated and brought to life during the sprouting process. Sprouting increases vitamin C and beta carotene content creates B vitamins and increases the amount of minerals present. Books such as Peter Reinhart’s “Bread Revolution” are focused on bread made with sprouted grain flours.
I have been reading about Sprouted Wheat flour in a few of Peter Reinhardt'sbooks that use this type of flour to spectacular success. The writing uses Sprouted Wheat flour in anything from cookies, scones, pancakes and ultimately wheat bread. I’ve tried Sprouted Wheat flour for the first time last weekend and it was phenomenal. As noted by Reinhardt the flour adds a natural sweetness to the flour that is subtle and pleasing. I urge you to give Sprouted Wheat flour a try and I will be writing more on my use of it in coming posts.
Below is a link to a recipe using Sprouted Wheat flour from King Arthur Flour. Information about Peter Reinhardt’s book “Bread Revolution” is below. spouted Wheat flour can be easily be purchased online from sources such as Amazon.com
Peter Reinhardt’s Super Sprout Bread Recipe Link
Bread Revolution World-Class Baking with Sprouted and Whole Grains, Heirloom Flours, and Fresh Techniques
by Peter Reinhardt 10 Speed Press. (2014)
#sproutedwheat #sproutedwheatflour#sproutedwheatflourbread #peterreinhardt#kingarthurflour #thewellseasonedlibrarian
Dean Jones is a Librarian, Cookbook Reviewer, and writer. Dean makes his home in the San Francisco Bay Area with his lovely wife Jennifer and their six kids. If you like this review please applaud!
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